Saturday, July 03, 2004

Passions Afire

From my past he came like the rushing river
Oh so anxious to be with me
What we had was beautiful if only we could restart
Yes I need you too and you are here at the right time

You are here to provide an escape
To take me away from that which I fear
And for whom I no longer care
Reknidle my spirits, set me afire

I knew all along you had that skill
To send me wild even if I am ascending a hill
And no I am not on the pill, so I cant be all that of a free will
But I wonna enjoy you still

I havent felt like this in a long while
I love your lips, you hug my hips
Lips unite, hands searching, heart racing
Oh what passion, you are taking me on high

Yes yes oh how I long for you
And this time please promise me you will be true
I have always love and wanted you as you never made me blue
Just please promise me this time you will be true and I will really get to know you

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