Saturday, July 03, 2004


She spied
He lied
It was a love they shared deeply but something was wrong
You see when you commit, you must sumbit
To the things that are right and cease to do wrong
The heart is a tender organ and can withstand but little hurt

But to this day it has just been a bad part of the history
No one has said I am sorry
And they have together ruined a beautiful thing
Egos flare and hearts had better be aware
Not to just take a haitus and to go back to the same old ways

You cannot have the best of two worlds
You must either live in the present or the past
If you pledge your love and you then give it
In that giving you must also give up
They seek not to build a life with you but to fulfil passing fantasies

It hurts to know we have spent this much time and we continue to whine
Of invasion and cheating as if we dont belong
Cheating is wrong and so is invasion
A simple apology might not do it but then again it just might

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