Thursday, February 28, 2002

If the plant you gave me for Valentines Day is any indication of the future of our love....I must say it is prosperous. It is growing non-stop. Now I must change its container and put it in a bigger pot for it certainly is growing leaps and bounds. Our love is flourishing!

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

I did not fall in love with you because I needed you, in fact I needed love that was why I fell for you. You are different, you give new meaning to the word love. Whenever I chat or speak with you, I am filled with a different spirit, one of positive vibes, belonging, giving thanks for having met you.

You are special!

Sunday, February 24, 2002

Oh how I long to look in your eyes and tell you I love you, tell you - your are the best thing that has ever happened to me! I mean it, I mean every word I say. I long to kiss your lips and be lost in your embrace. I will say nothing else but that I want to be with you.