Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Walk With Me
by Munda

Walk with me, the path of life,
to explore every bend of the road
Enjoy with me the beauty of life,
along its wonderful way

Find comfort with me,
in each other's arms,
when grief crosses our path
Find strength with me,
in each other's strength,
when despair lies in wait

Laugh with me,
a single true laugh,
to enlighten another's distress
Cry with me, a single true tear,
to understand true happiness

Cherish with me,
the wonders of life,
as they need to be preserved
Rejoice with me,
in the mysteries,
of what is yet to be

Find peace with me,
in each other's souls,
when the world has gone insane
Find love with me,
in each other's hearts,
until this life has been fulfilled

And when the path comes to an end
I hope we can say from within
We've known the beauty of true love,
our love came from within

It was jasmine and herbs
As we lathered together
Touching playfully
Like kids in a new found river
There was no care in the world
As we bared our souls and bodies together
If only I could smell jasmine and herbs again, with you
It was sensual and will always be in my mind

Ann @ 2005