Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Prayer fi mi friend

Dear Lord find him a fairy tale wife for me nuh, one who is foolish enough to ignore all his shortcomings, one who will allow him to flirt and splirt at will
One who will cook and wash and scratch him back
One who will say yes to everything even if he is going down the wrong road tell him he is on the right path
Find him a woman who will neva bruk him hawt

Send him a blind woman dear Lord
Who will not want to c him report caad
Who will ask him no questions so he will tell her no lie
Find him a woman oh God who free from stress and only wear long dress
Send him a fool who he can rule

God he is your son who needs some fun
These mercies I ask in your precious name and oh Lord deliver it and free me of all blame

Anneke @ 2004

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