Saturday, April 27, 2002

If I were to DIE

If I were to die?
How would I feel?
Knowing I have left the world behind me?

Would I be at peace with myself?
Would my heart not roam?

Would I question my God?
Would I be angry with mysefl?

Would I be angry at the world?
Could I find it in me to forgive?

Would I want to live my life again?

These are the questions I can't help asking myself
If I were to die
I was made STRONG

I am not a coward
But I am not a soldier

I treat each misfortune as just that
Hoping for the day I will see it as a fortune

I do not crumble
I learn to pick up the pieces

I was made strong
And I will continue to shine - like a true beacon
Life's Treasures

When you can stop to smell the roses plz do
When u can get wet in the rain, dont resist it
When there is sunshine bask in it

Listen to the birds sing
Let the wind blow thru ur hair

These are life's little treasures u must enjoy
Enjoy it while you can!