Tuesday, January 04, 2005


If I were to meet you one minute before I did
I doubt I would appreciate you or would my love for you be as candid;
I never had to listen, to the throbbing in my heart
But it sure rejoiced and I wish we never part

Is this the love my heart was searching for?
Did my heart love till now?
Emptiness I know no more
Lonliness has bade me farewell;
My search for love is over!

Ann @ 2005


Anonymous said...

Our love is simple,it has not pretensions or expectations. It was mutual attraction from the first word spoken, at last someone with whom we could relate. I am happy to have met you when I did, you have put the wind in my sails while I blew on the embers of your heart. I love you Annie, even when I am not physically close to you our hearts will still beat the same rythmn.

Anneke said...

Isnt it beautiful? I am warmed by the rays of your heart each day and my spirit kindled by your love!!