Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Real Love

Today I pause to reflect
On the importance of love and being in love
It is a very good feeling to say the least
Those who love not
Or fake it
Is missing an important element in his or her life

To be in love is simply magical
To be loved in return is a blessing
Who says the one you love will love you back?
When that happens, pray that it is eternal

Heartbreaks are a dime a dozen
True love is not the easiest to find
But if you believe in the capacity of your heart, your sincerity, your affinity
When it beckons to you, follow it to the path it has created for you
It is yours to have and to hold

Ann @ 2004


Anonymous said...

I envy u girl...will I get to meet the lucky guy?

Anneke said...

If you tell me who you are you might have the pleasure lol!!