Monday, November 08, 2004

The way you make me feel

It's in the way I feel you coming to me, even in dreams
You drift in slowly, teasingly like a wave rushing in and out
Washing over the sands of my heart, leaving your trails
Each wave reaching in just a little further before receding
I lay there waiting motionless for you to cover all of me

It's in the way your eyes see me leaving me defenseless
The merest glance of your eyes from across the room is a beam of angels light mixed with the devils sly smile
Its glow caresses me in peace, yet inspires such desire
Breath will not come and I hear each thundering heart beat
It's in the way your voice utters leaving me lost in time
The melody of the words rising and falling like harp strings
Each one plays only for my ear, and vibrates through me
Longing to hear you once more

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