Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Passive Hope

"Tell me where your future is."
"What future?"
"The one that shimmers with infinite promise."
"It was lost by my apathy, by my weakness."
"By your own hand."
"Yes, riven by my own hand."
"Do you regret it?"
"I'm beyond that now."
"Have you wept for yourself?"
"There's nothing left to cry for."
"What will you do now, without your future?"
"Merely exist and be content."
"Where will that get you?"
"Honestly? Absolutely nowhere."
"Will that be enough to keep you content?"
"It has to be. There's nothing else."
"There has to be something more."
"There has to be, but there isn't."
"But why?"
"Because I can only half-live."
"And to half-live is to...?"
"Live life passively. Let the potential stagnate."
"Can't you do more? Can't you grow more?"
"The potential has already rotted. It can't be remedied."
"So there is truly nothing..."
"Yes, nothing but hope, hope for the next."
"The next generation."
"Where one is spoiled into rotting, the next won't be."
"And that is all that's left?"
"Yes. Passive hope."

Alli Panaginip.

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