Tuesday, July 15, 2003

A Letter from Heaven

The following poem means a lot to me. It was a personal note left by one who went on to higher calling:

Although I am no longer with you, Mine eyes no longer see,
I’ll be the strength to guide you, Your faith to still believe.
I’ll rest upon your shoulder Your angel flying high,
I’ll surround you in my unfolded wings, As comfort when you cry.

I’ll still see you through the bad times, I’ll still share in the good times too,
I’ll show you the hope and courage, That within yourself -- you never knew.
Though, I am just in spirit now, I’ll still walk within your soul,
For with your inner beauty I will always be in whole.

You’ll always be a part of me An everlasting love,
And until we meet again I’ll watch you from above.
Until that day we meet once more I hope you know it’s true,
You’ll forever be a part of me You’re everything I do.

So, cry not for I am gone for I am really home,
And I’ll look forward to that day when we’ll no longer be alone.
Until that day we find ourselves once more standing -- side by side,
I’ll rest here upon your shoulder as your love, your strength, your guide.

© Jill Eisnaugle ~ 5th February 2003

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