Thursday, March 31, 2005

Distant Lover

What are the words, my love?
To describe the way I feel?
My vocabulary does not contain these words to express this emotion.
But yet my heart does.

What are the words, my love?
To say how much I miss you?
How much I want to kiss you - or hold your hand.
To feel skin on skin - in any way.

What are the words?
I can only say 'I love you'
I am so new at this game.
Of romantic feelings and heavy desires.
Of silly daydreams and beautiful dreams.

I can only say 'I love you'
Because these three words are the only ones
I know to use to describe
The feeling I get
When your image comes into my mind
Or the daydream of us
Laying in bed - with golden sunrays covering us
In a mid-afternoon nap.

But how can you possibly know all the emotion
That those three perfect words contain?
Maybe I can say it differently
Or alter my voice - or style of handwriting.

How would you know?
Suddently I remember an important thought
Forgotten in all this worrying
About the right words.
I love you more than words can propertly say - or ever say at that.
Therefore - I do not need the words.
But since we are apart
These three words will have to do
Until we are:I Love You

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