Wednesday, March 19, 2003

The Man I will Marry

My husband to be is you
You have shown just what love can be
To ride the waves of the good and the bad time
To make me love again as if I have never loved before

The man I will marry is you
You have unlocked my world and made me see
How beautiful it is to be loved and to love no less than I am loved
In you I have found a companion, a friend, a and the best lover of all times

I will marry you and have your child
Raise a family and be to you the wife you have always wanted
I know we will be happy as we have both pledged our lives to each other
And I soon I will wake up beside you knowing we have started the rest of our life together

Sunday, March 16, 2003 there a message?

I read a lot of everything and anything
Do I interpret any and just everything
Is there a hidden message somewhere
Hidden in what you write?

Tell me what your heart says

It seems like a childish dream to find love and keep it.
Love is not love if it is not true love
The pendulum swings and it is on the positive
Then it swings again and hangs over the minus sign

What is it that you really what?
Can you follow your heart?
Do you trust it enough to lead you?