Thursday, December 08, 2005

Eulogy of the Late Linnett Davis

Linnett Davis was born on the 26th of December 1928 in the parish of St Catherine. She was the fifth of six children born to Maud Loton and Herbert Knight. She attended the Spanish Town Roman Catholic Church and School as well the Jericho All Age School in Linstead, St. Catherine.

During her early years Linett lived with her grandmother Aunt Jane. When Aunt Jane passed away Linett was just a teenager. She then went to live with her older brother Prince who later died. She was 25 years old at the time. It was then she met and fell in love with Zachariah Davis. They got married and settled at Johnson Pen in Spanish Town, St. Catherine. She was well known and loved in the community and pretty soon people were calling her Mama Lenee or Miss Lenee. The union with Zacharia bore five children – daughters Blossom, Cherrie, Jackie, Moah, and son Jabba.

Mama Lenee was hard working and found no task too menial to provide for her family and make them comfortable. She reared pigs and chicken along with other things that she would take to the market.
But she had a special love for Art and mastered the craft of pottery. It was her pride and joy. So diligent was she in her pottery work that she became a five star ceramic Art Potter. Consequently she joined Things Jamaica Limited in Kingston attending yearly exhibitions held at Devon House in Kingston and Denbigh in Clarendon to demonstrate and showcase her handy work. It was not just a job, it was her life. It was a beauty to watch her hands shape the clay, molding it to perfection. You would know when it was time to burn the pots as she would call her grandchildren to accompany her to get wood for the fire. It is something that they remember now with laughter and pride. I still can see her packing the pots and ensuring that enough wood was in the fire, perspiration all over her but she never flinched. After they have been burnt she would inspect them one by one to make sure that they were perfect. She would hate to think that someone got a faulty pot.

On the personal side she was a fun person. Miss Lenee was always cracking jokes and telling old time stories. She had a gift where story telling was concerned. To hear her tell a joke or story was like watching drama unfold and at the end of it you simply had to believe it really happened. For her children, grandchildren, and all who were close to her these will be memories to recount.

Mama Lenee was like a mother in the community. And I have no doubt that some of you paying tribute to her life her today called her Mother Lenee. That motherly love ran far and wide as whilst she did not possess riches she was always willing to help, to offer advice or to just listen. And I must add that you could only guess that so and so came to borrow money or to ask her something as she would never tell. Mama Lenee would also take care of the sick when and where possible. She also acted as the community midwife delivering several babies one of whom was Andrew who took her on her final journey to the hospital.

She was also a disciplinarian who sought to instill positive values and attitudes in all who came in contact with her especially her children and grandchildren. She would always be warning that “manners will take you a far way!”

Mama Lenee was a humble woman yet she loved the finer things in life. As we approach the Christmas season we cannot forget how much she would ensure that everyone in the house felt special and loved. Of course we also cannot forget that she reared ducks and the prized duck would be cooked for Christmas dinner and she ensured everyone got a piece of her duck.

As she grew older she developed a closer relationship with God. She became a member of the Phillipo Baptist Church where she was also a member of the Church Federation.

Earlier this year in October Mama Lenee fell ill. Prior to that she kept very good health. No more than the common cold or a pain in the knee. She never recovered and visits to the doctor would only bring temporary relief. On November 18, 2005 Linnette Davis had a visit from God. He said, “Your work is done, you must say goodbye; it is time to go my child.” And in the words of Farewell by Emily Dickenson I am sure she said to the Lord:
Tie the strings to my life, my Lord,Then I am ready to go!Just a look at the horses --Rapid! That will do!Put me in on the firmest side,So I shall never fall;For we must ride to the Judgment,And it's partly down hill.But never I mind the bridges,And never I mind the sea;Held fast in everlasting raceBy my own choice and thee.Good-by to the life I used to live,And the world I used to know;And kiss the hills for me, just once;Now I am ready to go!

And so we remember her goodness, her love, her devotion to family, to community and country. We will grieve because she was the world to us. But of course we hope that in time we will be able to dry our tears and replace the tears and the sadness with laughter. For someone will remember a story she told, that scared us so bad, or a joke that made us laugh and laugh and laugh. We will always remember her smile and her hearty laughs; and in our hearts we will pray that we can be at least half as wonderful as Mama Lenee was.

She is sadly missed by daughters Blossom USA, Cherrie USA, Jackie. Moah, and son Jabba. Grand daughters Suzette, Debbie, Keisha, Yanique, Tashique, Monique, Olivia, Shanique, Brianna, and Brittney. Grandsons Richard, Gregory, Ziggy, and Sheldon; eight great grand children; and other relatives and friends.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Higher Calling

He called and you answered
Like a true servant
Giving to the Lord
As you gave of your life to all

"Come here my dear servant," he said
I was not happy but you had to go
To a place where there will only be happiness
No sadness or tears

You are at peace with yourself
And God knows best
I have no doubt that in Heaven
You have found sweet rest

Sleep on my beloved

Ann @ 2005

Monday, May 30, 2005

Life Lessons

I have learnt so much in my life
That there is always a lot more to learn
I have learned to be patient
I have practiced kindness
Selfish giving is the pillar of my existence

I have learnt so much in my little short life
To be skeptical of all the things around you
And not be fooled easily
I have learned to be strong
To be an independent thinker

I have learnt so much in my happy and carefree life
To be responsible and take nothing or no one for granted
I have learned to be righteous
And to make God the central being in my life
Living each day like there will be no tomorrow

I have learnt so much in my love life
To love with all my heart
Take commitment seriously
Make compromises
And do all things in love

Ann @ 2005

Monday, May 16, 2005

Open letter to my one true love

Dearest Andrew

Every time I look into your eyes, your picture or for real, it makes me realize that you are that someone - My only one. I feel it in my heart that we belong together and I want to be with you forever. I know it was fate that you are my soul mate, my only love.

I truly miss you darling and often wonder why you had to go. I remember our first kiss of how ever since I have felt so much bliss. I am consumed by emotion whenever you are near me and wish that we could stay in love forever. Darling you are that someone, my only one.

It feels so right whenever we hold each other tight and I long to spend my night in your arms enjoying all your charms.

I miss you Andrew and want to see you soon!

Your darling forever

Oh how I love you

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Unbroken is my love for him
A chain of love that started with a chance encounter
One filled with promises of happy times ahead

Unbroken is the joy I bring to him
To make him laugh
And not worry about the challenges that lie ahead

Unbroken is the faith I have in him
Of being the good partner
The caring friend

Unbroken is the peace I find in him
To love like there is no tomorrow
And that there is more joy that there will be sorrow

Unbroken is my promise to him
To be the friend he had always wanted
The girl he had always dreamed of

Today I promise to do everything
To make our love remain...
Unbroken and everlasting.

Ann @ 2005

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Of memories and me

I remember the way he kissed my lips
The way he held me close
I remember the gentle squeeze
And won't forget the tight hugs

I memorize your love notes
Read your cards all the time
I look at your picture
And I am filled with emotion

I look in your eyes
And I see the man I love
Your smile warms my heart
And the memories keep me going

Ann @ 2005
A Lover's Prayer

Dear God
I thank you for sending true love my way
And I hope it grows stronger with each passing
As I kneel here before you Lord
I pray that this is divine love

I ask for your blessings
For devotion, commitment and understanding
As we are miles apart
Give us strength to remain true

The temptations will come our way
But Lord let us not stray
Keep us firmly planted
In the love we found

Ann @ 2005

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Distant Lover

What are the words, my love?
To describe the way I feel?
My vocabulary does not contain these words to express this emotion.
But yet my heart does.

What are the words, my love?
To say how much I miss you?
How much I want to kiss you - or hold your hand.
To feel skin on skin - in any way.

What are the words?
I can only say 'I love you'
I am so new at this game.
Of romantic feelings and heavy desires.
Of silly daydreams and beautiful dreams.

I can only say 'I love you'
Because these three words are the only ones
I know to use to describe
The feeling I get
When your image comes into my mind
Or the daydream of us
Laying in bed - with golden sunrays covering us
In a mid-afternoon nap.

But how can you possibly know all the emotion
That those three perfect words contain?
Maybe I can say it differently
Or alter my voice - or style of handwriting.

How would you know?
Suddently I remember an important thought
Forgotten in all this worrying
About the right words.
I love you more than words can propertly say - or ever say at that.
Therefore - I do not need the words.
But since we are apart
These three words will have to do
Until we are:I Love You

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Circle of love

I remember the first time I blessed my eyes on you
I felt the connection and somehow knew
That we would be seeing more of each other
And it was not just a fanciful desire

We started a circle of friendship then
And like a true circle I pray it will never end
The circle is filled with love, understanding and devotion
To warm our hearts
Take away our fears
And see the world through nothing else but love

Your love has made me so alive
And I know I have touched you in a special way
I wake up thanking God each day
For having made us meet
And asking him to keep us together

There no doubt will be challenges
And what is love without the test?
But the love that will be tested
Is the love that will see us through

Ann @ 2005

Sunday, March 27, 2005


I keep wishing on a star
That you will soon return from afar
To kiss me gently as you always did
And I know our stares and smiles will be no less candid

I enjoyed every moment spent with you
Sometimes, a few hours maybe a day or two
Our love is not just about romance
As it sure will not survive the distance

There is a deeper connection
And it shows boldly in our affection
You are a part of me that I will never replace
As simply no other can fill that space

Ann @ 2005

Monday, March 21, 2005


Its all because of you,
I'm never sad and blue,
You've brightened up my days,
In your own special way.

How can I get you to understand,
That I love you more than I can,
How can I get you to see,
Your the only guy for me.

Its all because of you,
my dreams came true,
Your everything Ive wished for,
and I could never wish for more.

I cant describe how much I care,
But when you need me I will be there,
To wipe your tears when you are sad,
To make you happy when you are mad.

Nobody is as special as you are to me,
Now I hope you are beginning to see,
Just how much I care for you,
And all my feelings will always be true.

Friday, March 18, 2005


I wonna feel you
Taste you
Kiss you
Have you

I want you to take me til I can take no more
You know my darling you are the one I will always adore
You know how to reach the woman in me
And you do it so easily

I want to scream your name
As you take me to higher heights
I want to hold your body close to mine
And squeeze you so tight as you go deeper with all your might

I wonna shout yes
Moan no
Wonna hear you say 'oh baby'
As we kiss and devour each other

I want to see your body move
As I fit under your groove
Go wild with passion
As love binds us closer to each other

I want to climax with you
As we sap each other's energies
To close my eyes
As your rhythm increases with intensity

Hold me baby I am yours
Take me darling I am yours to explore
Our love is divine
I am yours and you are mine

Ann @ 2005

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Walk With Me
by Munda

Walk with me, the path of life,
to explore every bend of the road
Enjoy with me the beauty of life,
along its wonderful way

Find comfort with me,
in each other's arms,
when grief crosses our path
Find strength with me,
in each other's strength,
when despair lies in wait

Laugh with me,
a single true laugh,
to enlighten another's distress
Cry with me, a single true tear,
to understand true happiness

Cherish with me,
the wonders of life,
as they need to be preserved
Rejoice with me,
in the mysteries,
of what is yet to be

Find peace with me,
in each other's souls,
when the world has gone insane
Find love with me,
in each other's hearts,
until this life has been fulfilled

And when the path comes to an end
I hope we can say from within
We've known the beauty of true love,
our love came from within

It was jasmine and herbs
As we lathered together
Touching playfully
Like kids in a new found river
There was no care in the world
As we bared our souls and bodies together
If only I could smell jasmine and herbs again, with you
It was sensual and will always be in my mind

Ann @ 2005

Saturday, March 05, 2005


Retreat is not like it used to be
Coz you are no longer there for me to see
I have fun memories of that place nonetheless
I remember of first kiss
The start of such bliss
It all happened at retreat
Stories of our lives
Were told there right at Retreat
It holds many first
And we dear not retreat

Ann @ 2005

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Missing you

I wake up to find an empty bed
Not seeing you there
You no longer embrace
And kiss my face
Oh darling no one can take your place

I no longer snuggle up with you
To watch tv or chat about politics even war
Oh how I will miss the 'pizza night in' because you are away, so far
I can no longer read you your horoscope
Or tell you what Snoopy said

The memories are great my darling
And I will pretend you are here
I still see your smile
And hear you burst into laughter
I fall asleep each night with my head firmly planted on your chest
I wake up to your kiss and hear "good morning babe"

I see you wherever I go
And I will not go there without you
You are there in everything I do
And I will not do them without you
Your are my soulmate
And I live and breathe for you

Ann @ 2005

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


The tears would not stop flowing
And I know in you part of the world it imight be snowing
I will cry you a river
So that our love can be the bridge that takes us to each other
I knew it would always be difficult to be away from you
But our love for each other will see us through

Though the nights may be lonely
I will always be by your side
I feel your arms embrace me
As we communicate without a word
May the warmth of our friendship live within us
And remains a part of who we are

Ann @ 2005

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Personal Note

I know it would always be difficult to be on different sides of the ocean, but dayum didnt know it would be this hard. I am missing you like crazy! Woke up singing this song.


I keep every tear like an ocean
For every day that my fortune
Kept me from being with you I
cradle your faith that reveals me
Grows like a flower then heals me
Fills me with promise anew

I carry your worn disillusion
When my pathetic confusion
Kept me from speaking the truth
I'm simply a coin in your fountain
Lost like the seconds I'm counting
Til I am closer to you

I cherish every morning that found us
With the night scattered around us
Faded and painting me blue
I carry your joy in my footsteps
Making my way to your harbor
Don't need to go any farther
You are my sun and my moon

Wrapped in your arms where it's peaceful
Back in your arms where I'm happy
I would do anything gladly
Only to see you again
Wrapped in your arms I can wander
Out to the heavens above me
Hearing you say that you love me Back in your arms where I'm free

I keep every phrase barely spoken
That from your lips may have broken
Free as you give me your love
My yearning is constant and steady
When I'm with you I'm already
Everything I can become

I cherish every morning that found us
With the night scattered around us
Faded and painting me blue I carry your joy in my footsteps
Making my way to your harbor
Don't need to go any farther
You are my sun and my moon

Wrapped in your arms where it's peaceful
Back in your arms where I'm happy
I would do anything gladly
Only to see you again
Wrapped in your arms I can wander
Out to the heavens above me
Hearing you say that you love me
Back in your arms where I'm free

@ Gloria Estefan

My heart wants to thank you
For all the joy that you bring
The gentle touch
The passionate kiss

I am overwhelmed with emotions
When I think about you
Oh just what love can do
You have changed my life

That is no easy feat
For to do that
Goes beyond looking in my eyes
There is a deeper bond that only you and me can understand

Ann @ 2005

Friday, February 18, 2005

Pouring Love

I smell the rain air
As it pelted my heart
The love has reached my soul like glistening rain
Pitter, patter take my heart
From you my darling I do not want to be apart

Springing from the garden is eternal love
Like a fresh new rose greeting the sun
Watered and pruned by your caring hands
It will grow into more than a perfect bud

What a beautiful garden
Of pretty roses
Nurtered by love
And consumed in love

Ann @ 2005

Thursday, February 17, 2005

'Til Then

I will wait til the sun rises once again
When I will feel the rays warm my cold body
I will touch them with great devotion
And I will try my best not to hold my emotion

Oh sunshine, do not disappear behind the cloud
And the rainbow will not do
Oh sunshine I cannot do without you
My spirit waits for your return

But til then my loved one
My love for you remains unbreakable
It is the touch of an angel
The blessing of God

Ann @ 2005
Selfless Love

The meeting of hearts
Is nothing like the clashing of minds
It is a game only the hearts know how best to play
And it is more than just a play I dare

It is a romantic dance
To sway, to rock
To let your spirit go
To allow yourself to fall in love

It is a gentle walk
Maybe a rush in the park
It is love at work
And the heart takes control

Ann @ 2005

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday my love
Wish I could have posted this on the anniversary of your birth
But I was so locked in your embrace
And getting on the net was the last thing on my mind

But today I want to take time out
To wish you all the best
In everything you do
I wish for you, love, happiness, prosperity and all that's good

Happy birthday my love!

Ann @ 2005

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Hi Millie where are you?
I am waiting anxiously for your return
You were here last month
Now I wonder why you are delayed

I wait with bated breath for you
As I have never been more anxious to see you
Please keep me waiting no more
As I see flashes of you but just that and nothing more

Where are you Millie?
Disturb me no more
Is it the change in your life?
Or just that - LIFE?

Please dont let me wait no more
The anxiety I can no longer endure

Ann @ 2005
Missing you

I think of you and my heart melts
The memories of all the time we spend together
Will keep we warm through this cold weather
I am missing you and you are not yet gone

Dreams are to be pursued
And indeed you must
But I will miss you my darling
I treasure your love
And I treasure you

Ann @ 2005

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

He knows how to have a good time. Hanging with his brother!!

Monday, January 24, 2005

jIg SAw

The pieces of my heart
Were scattered widely apart
One by one you have found the matching pieces
And gently fit them into the right spaces

There once was just halves
Now you have created a kaleidoscope
Of not illusions, but divine fusions
Of love, romance, honesty, peace and hope

Ann @ 2005

Where ever my heart leads me I will follow
You have created a garden of eden where, once it was just fallow
The seed of love sown not just yesterday
Is surely growing and flourishing like that green lily on the dock of the bay.

Love is for the brave and the foolish they say
So make me a soldier or a clown right away!
I will fight the good fight
I will dance and be jolly with all my might.

Ann @ 2005

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Flower of my heart

I offer you the flower of my heart.
It's always growing and searching for perfection,
Always reaching for the sparkling rays of the sun,
But only you can give it the care and nourishmentit needs to thrive.

Love it.
Treasure it.
Keep it safe.
Give it your light.
And it will bloom forever!
I Love You with All I Am

I love you with all I am
And all I'll ever be.
You are my moon, my sun and stars,
My earth, my sky, my sea.

My love for you goes down and down
Beneath both life and death,
So deep it must remain when I
Have drawn my last faint breath.

Holding you for months and years
Will make time disappear,
Will make your lips my lips, your face my face, your tear my tear;

Will make us one strange personage
All intertwined in bliss,
Not man or woman, live or dead
Just nothing--but a kiss!

Barry Taylor

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Looking in your eyes
I am consumed by the love I find in you
The longing I long for no more
The wanting I want no more
The loving for which I will search no more
You are the one love I will forever adore

Ann @ 2005

If I could wake up each morning beside you
And feel your sweet embrace
To feel your gentle kiss
As you whisper "good morning babe"
Imagine how happy life would be

I wish I went to bed with you each night
After careless chatter and just being us
Unwinding from an easy or not so easy day
Maybe showering together
Snuggling up is simple fun

Being with you is what I want to do
I know not how to love another as long as I am loving you
You make me feel complete
With you, contentment is replete

I await with baited breath
The next time we come face to face
And once again I am lost in your warm embrace
Even tho' I saw you just hours ago
I hunger to be with you more than you will ever know

Ann @ 2005

Monday, January 10, 2005


Softly they spoke
In the still of the night
The love flow
As only their two hearts know

Make me your woman
Let me be your man
I give you my heart to have and to hold
I will be gentle with yours, its fragility I feel

Your stroke my every emotion
With heartfelt devotion
It is not just about seduction
Love is our passion

Ann @ 2005


That childish smile
Had me laughing for a while
He was just a kid
And he smiled widely for the world to see

No care that he once sucked on his thumb
And that his teeth wore the imprint of what he did so gleefully
He was sweet as only a mother could see
The innocence in his eyes

He has grown into a charming young man
No longer that "odd" looking teen
Quite handsome if you ask me
And he still smiles for all the world to see

Ann @ 2005

Friday, January 07, 2005

Life is Beautiful

No matter what walkof life you're from,
you can be sure of four things:
that hope will get you through the worst of times;t
hat love will mend your wounds;
that you get better with age;
and God will always love you.

Smile, because life is beautiful!

Bobette Bryan,

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Thank You

Thank you for being the heart of my life,
Harboring me in the arms of your love,
Anchoring me in the rock of your faith,
Needing me, that I not be in vain,
Knowing me well, yet loving me still.

You are the island I've found in my sea,
Ocean I dwell in and deep where I dive,
Unfailing heaven and passionate earth.
An open letter to the one (pun intended) I love

Dearest Andrew

If I never tell you every day, "I love you" and it is not out of habit. I feel it deep in my heart and I know it is real. It is not a passing thought or infatuation. I love the way you make me feel and I wish I could tell you every time how great it feels to look in your eyes and see the glow when you tell me that you love me.

I remember the day we met. Your eyes captivated me, your laughter was so contagious, your smile was warm and ohhh your voice, it was like a sparkling mountain stream which flows into my heart. I have always love you since and my love keeps growing stronger each day.

I remember our first hug, our first kiss and our first moment of bliss. I wonna hold you for a day, a month, a year, a decade - until eternity! I love so many things about you but most of all, I love you for YOU.

Your darling forever

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


If I were to meet you one minute before I did
I doubt I would appreciate you or would my love for you be as candid;
I never had to listen, to the throbbing in my heart
But it sure rejoiced and I wish we never part

Is this the love my heart was searching for?
Did my heart love till now?
Emptiness I know no more
Lonliness has bade me farewell;
My search for love is over!

Ann @ 2005