Friday, April 05, 2002

Happy Birthday

Me tek the liberty of posting to your site
Wish instead I could give you a love bite
Thanks for coming into my heart
My wish is that no other birthdays will ever see us apart

I feel a certain level of comfort and completness with you
And if I should seemingly take this for granted
Its because its all I ever wanted and more
Am glad we have this raport
I never dreamt that I would feel this way again
I never knew we would be more than fren fren

We met at a time when I wanted more than a girlfriend
I wanted a wife
One who nah go gi me no stress or strife
I have a lot of love and respect for you
Me know all a dis nah go rhyme but a true

If there is one thing you can think of this day
When I met you I had a suitcase
Now, dat replace with love
When I say I love you
I mean that I won't take you and lock you up like a prisoner ( as if I could)
I mean I want to be there for you
I want you to cook me food 24/7
And wash mi clothes 24/7
Me know this line a thinking will get me eliminated *S*

I guess all I can say is that you make me happy
And I want to spend my life with you
I want to make you happy
I will do anything for you
I will live anywhere where you will be happy
Your happiness means a lot to me

Happy Birthday!

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